Make this day great colorful sign

Inspiring Quotes That Will Make Your Day and Motivate You

Sometimes, life can really grind you down and make you feel blue. It is the way of the world today, with so much going on, it is easy to feel... Read More
33 Positive Affirmations to Reduce Anxiety and Find Inner Peace

33 Positive Affirmations to Reduce Anxiety and Find Inner Peace

Did you know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S. impacting more than 40 million adults every year? If you suffer from anxiety you know... Read More
Learn how to be confident in life.

How to be confident in life. 5 powerful strategies to boost self-confidence

It was 5 minutes before I was about to present in a large presentation, my throat was dry, and I was replaying what I had practiced in my head. I... Read More
Moving from Surviving to Thriving in Life

Moving from Surviving to Thriving in Life

Most of us want to thrive in life, but we live in survival mode more often than we would like to admit. There will always be periods of stress in... Read More
What is crystal healing and how to use it to elevate your life.

Crystal Healing 101 - What Is Crystal Healing And How To Use It To Elevate Your Life

If you are in need of healing in your life whether it’s in your love, financial, mental, or physical life, crystal healing can relieve your anxiety and return your body...
What Does Being On A Spiritual Journey Mean To Me?

What Does Being On A Spiritual Journey Mean To Me?

Being on a spiritual journey has been about entering the dark to see the shadows that are holding me back. Being on this journey means healing, it means finding out...
Affirmation for anxiety and stress.

30 Powerful Affirmations For Anxiety and Stress Relief

Positive affirmations are incredibly powerful and can have life changing effects if you use them daily to empower you. Our bracelets do come with some suggestions but in case you...
10 Positive Affirmations For This Time of Change and Uncertainty

10 Positive Affirmations For This Time of Change and Uncertainty

During these times of change and uncertainty it is important that we keep our thoughts positive and become selective with the information that we consume. I created 10 affirmations to...
What Gives you a Sense of Purpose?

What Gives you a Sense of Purpose?

What is it that gives you a sense of purpose? For us it is knowing that we are growing every single day. We created everlur for all the spiritual souls...
Harmony & Balance When It's Needed The Most

Harmony & Balance When It's Needed The Most

I woke up this morning and put on my Harmony & Balance bracelet on because I felt that was what I needed the most. Then I took a few deep...